Debt consolidation calculator

What can a debt consolidation calculator help you with?

Searching for ways to consolidate your debt and tighten your financial position?
By utilizing a debt consolidation calculator, you can easily understand your finances and discover how debt consolidation can potentially benefit you. 

A debt consolidation loan calculator can help you calculate the payment you would need to make if you were to consolidate your debts. 

Not only this, but the debt consolidation calculator takes into account other important financial factors such as the loan type, interest rates, fees, and much more to calculate a figure.


What is debt consolidation?

Consolidating your debt is a strategic financial decision where the borrower takes out a new loan to resolve other debts and loans. 

This is then consolidated into one, larger, loan that may potentially have better, more beneficial, terms such as a lower monthly interest rate.

People often do this to their student loans, consumer debt, or credit card debts.  

However, be aware of initial fees, as these can be costly and sometimes unnecessary.

Why should I use a debt consolidation calculator?

Those who choose to consolidate their debt may benefit greatly from utilizing a debt consolidation loan calculator to help make their financial decisions. 

A debt consolidation loan calculator can help provide you with a figure and give you an indication of the likely payments you would need to make if you were to do this.  

Additionally, a debt consolidation calculator can be used as a tool to make more informed decisions about either future investments or financial strategic moves.

How do I consolidate my debt?

Typically, you can apply to consolidate your debt through your bank (or credit card company/ credit union if applicable).

Institutions are more likely to accept you for this if you have a positive history and relationship with them.

However, if they do reject your application, you can always enquire with third parties such as lenders or mortgage companies.

LoanScouter > Debt consolidation calculator